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"When two siblings’ dreams of building an all-inclusive conspiracy convention begin to shatter, it’s up to one of them to put the pieces back together while the other strives to uncover a bigger conspiracy at play”
movie poster - UNCULTURED SWINE and KING CREATIVE present: The Conspiracists - A Comedy Mockumentary - tagline: the truth is out there, and it's hilarious!
The Conspiracists is a comedy mockumentary and “character study on the backdrop of absurdism”. written by Michael Perrie Jr. & Lacy Reily, directed by michael perrie Jr, and executive produced by Uncultured Swine (Beatriz Naranjo, Eddie Layfield) and King Creative (Christopher Bruce). This is a SAG-AFTRA project supported by The DElaware Motion Picture & Television Commission, the local communities and amazing small businesses (some of which are featured in the film). "Open to Believers of All Identities"
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executive producers: beatriz naranjo eddie layfield christopher bruce
director: michael perrie jr.
WRITTEN BY michael perrie jr. & lacy reily CAST terrie goins christopher murray carly otte valarie perez-schere brian ray noah berry john jezior matt steiner scarlett redmond guy wellman nikki mirza connor reily
CREW mauro giuffrida beatriz naranjo maren lavelle leah maher jaciel sanchez leslie tran bill downing james verderamo joe hummel kelsey brooks casee wanamaker leila marvel corbyn harris missy shea isaiah harmon annette cho lloyd layfield
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Uncultured Swine × King Creative
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